Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Bluesnarfing Software

There has been many request for bluesnarfing software. Most sites will not offer these for download for obvious reasons. 1) Bluesnarfing is not exactly legal 2) Ethical issues.

Some of you may laugh, what the heck is the bluesnarfer telling us about ethics. This ethics issue must be discussed in another post. But suffice to say, not all hackers are bad and in fact, many hackers work for the police and security agent to enhance the safety of the masses. The same can almost be said of bluesnarfer.

That said, I'm not sure if some of you managed to find bluesnarfing tools around by yourself. Would be interesting to know. Maybe you can let me know by posting a comment here. Let me know if you tried to find but can't or that you've found. :)


Anonymous said...

cannot find at all

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's all a lie, there is no such thing as bluesnarf ha ha

Anonymous said...

I've seen it personally done before

todd said...

It's real. No doubt about that. Progams are not so easily found. You have to make them sort of. You need to know how to program bluetooth and the stack and all that. It's not some simple program you can just get.

Anonymous said...

you sound like an arrogant ass kisser

Rahul said...

Bluesnarfing is REAL. and dude, the guys who hack and cause trouble are called CRACKERS> not hackers. hackers are good people who find flaws in security, help the owner to fix them for the future, and charge money (if they want) for services rendered.